My least favorite phrase of all time: that’s how we’ve always done it. 

My campaign to remove that phrase from your life forever starts NOW

Because what got us here isn’t going to move us into the future. 

Now, more than ever, we’re at an inflection point when it comes to work. We’ve witnessed so much change in the last 4ish years and simultaneously not enough change. 

So – this quarter we’re going to RETHINK IT ALL. I’m going to talk about all the things that could be killing your culture and what is worth rethinking. 

Cough everything cough 

I may even inspire you to take on a new project or two next year!

What’s worth reconsidering:

^^If your first thought when you saw this GIF was That Thing You Do, let’s be friends. 

Okay not to be dramatic but everything we currently do at work is worth reconsidering. 

But also not trying to scare you off because changing everything is incredibly intimidating. I mean we’ve only been working 5 days a week / 8 hours a day for the last 100ish years with little change… 

Not to mention, we could want to change things and lack the buy-in to actually make it happen. Don’t worry, I’ll also share the strategies to secure buy-in for all your hopes and dreams. 

To simplify, I’m going to categorize what to rethink into 3 categories:

✨Experience: why aren’t all employees having a great time at work? Maybe they’re not getting the benefits they desire, or can’t work in ways that are most effective for themselves. TBH Employee experience is in a weird spot – I’ll cover what could make the biggest impact to experience and dig into why things feel so weird. 

📋Process: Amazon creating a helpline for employees to report unnecessary processes inspired this rethink category. What processes are killing our culture? Maybe it’s our performance management (ew) or our never ending headcount request process (been there!). There’s no denying that the processes we’ve built could probably use a rethink. 

🔨 Tools: I spent a whole quarter last year talking about HR tech so clearly I have some thoughts AND feelings about the tools we pick, how they enable us at work and what we need to rethink when it comes to tools. 

Benefits your employees want:

What do your employees really want when it comes to benefits? If you don’t know or haven’t asked, maybe start there… 


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But perhaps I can make it simple for you?

Employees want benefits that support them in all stages of their lives. 

But most companies don’t have an endless supply of money to devote to benefits. 

So what’s worth it and what isn’t? 

Next week I’ll cover benefits we should all be considering and how the right benefits can actually help your culture.

Hebba Youssef
Hebba Youssef

Get insights, learnings, and advice on how to build companies and cultures that people actually love.

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