^^ Most companies?? JK!! 

A definition:

Toxic (adjective): something that is harmful. 

Originally used to reference substances that cause physical harm or even death if consumed.

It can also be used to metaphorically describe things like environments, behaviors, relationships and cultures that cause emotional, psychological or social harm. 

Finally, a song by American singer Brittney Spears. Released as her second single off her fourth studio album In the Zone. (Not my favorite) 

In all seriousness, toxic environments can cause A LOT of harm to employees. 

Wondering if your environment is toxic?

🚹 Here are 3 red flags to consider when assessing! 🚹

 đŸš© Employees are fleeing 

If a lot of employees are constantly resigning that should be your first sign that something is wrong. 

But you’ll never know if you don’t ask. 

I love love love exit interviews. 

🎁Feedback is a gift that I absolutely want!! 

When an employee chooses to depart I want to know how to avoid the same outcome in the future.

Cue the exit interview. 

Here are some exit interview questions i’ve used over the years:


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  • How would you describe your experience at this company? 
  • How would you describe this company to others? 
  • Where do you think are our biggest areas of opportunity?
  • What do you think our leadership needs to hear?

 I also leave space for the employees to share anything they think I must know. 

But you cannot stop there – you must do something with the feedback! 

I like to synthesize the feedback every quarter to share with leadership to see if any themes emerge. 

BTW: If an employee shares something urgent about a toxic manager, inappropriate situation, etc do not wait to address it. 

 đŸš© Screaming is normal behavior 

“Are you f**king stupid??” – a former manager screamed at me once. 

Spoiler alert: I am not, in fact, stupid. 

They however were, in fact, a terrible boss! 

Screaming in the workplace is a GIANT red flag. 

But, let’s explore it for a second. 

Why would someone scream at a fellow employee at wok? 

Maybe they: 

  • Can’t handle stress
  • Have poor communication skills
  • Have unresolved conflict 
  • Can’t control their emotions

Regardless, none are acceptable and create a toxic and hostile work environment!! 

If you’re dealing with this at work – is there an avenue to report this behavior? 

Explore having that as an option! 

I especially love anonymous reporting tools. 

 đŸš© Micromanagement is common 

CC me on that email!

Do it like this. 

I’ll just do it myself. 

Why didn’t you do it this way?

I need hourly reports on progress. 

Make sure you check with me before making any decisions. 

I need to approve it before it goes out. 

Have you ever heard any of those phrases at work? I sure have!

Spoiler alert: You might be dealing with a micromanger!!! 

Been there, felt that. 

Micromanagement is another red flag of a toxic environment! 

Why? Because micromanagement displays a lack of trust. 

And that can lead to creativity being stifled and productivity being impacted. 

BTW: Micromanagement usually leads to high stress and low morale. 

Dealing with a micromanager? 

✅Ask how to earn their trust. 

✅Try to understand their perspective – why do they manage this way?

✅Communicate proactively 

✅Ask about expectations

✅Ask for feedback

And if all else fails, consider your options. Some people don’t want to change and your time & life is too precious to waste it stressed out because of a micromanager. 

You got this! 

Hebba Youssef
Hebba Youssef

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